Rolls Report: September 14 & 15 – Welcome Back!

Buggy is back for another year: welcome to the 2024-2025 season! A new rolls reporter is on the case this year- and I first want to thank Bryan Arsham for compiling these reports from California last year!

This weekend featured great weather, very few incidents, and even one new buggy! As we start this year, a quick reminder: these reports don’t happen without many people helping out- more details on how YOU can help at the end of the post! Now let’s get to the teams:

Spirit ready at Hill 2 for the first roll of the season, with the new Highmark Center in the background

ApexFirefly, Solaris
CIAEmperor, Goldfinch, RoadrunnerEmperor, Goldfinch, Roadrunner
FringeBlackbird, BurnoutBlackbird, Baltic
SDCLust, BaneLust, Inferno
SpiritZuke, SeraphZuke, Seraph, Inviscid
RobobuggyShort CircuitShort Circuit

Photos: Saturday Gallery (upload) / Sunday Gallery (upload)

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Last Call for Buggy Enhancement Grants

The application window for Spring 2024 Buggy Enhancement Grants is closing Sunday night! This is your last chance to submit your application before rolls. Get your application in early, and take a well deserved nap Sunday afternoon. If you have any last minute questions or would like someone to proofread your proposal, please reach out to any BAA Officer on Discord!

Submit your grant application here!

For more information about Buggy Enhancement Grants, including tips from the committee on how to strengthen your grant proposal, the actual text of previously approved grant applications, how to access shared resources from previous grants, and how you can support this program, please read All About Buggy Enhancement Grants!

The committee’s initial review is scheduled for Thursday, Sept 19. Applicants should expect to receive their initial feedback and any questions from the committee by Thursday evening. The final voting is scheduled for Thursday, Sept 26, and we expect for the committee’s decisions to be sent out that evening.

Thank you to everyone who already submitted their application!

Submit your grant application here!

Buggy Enhancement Grant Applications Closing This Sunday

Apply here!

There are 6 days left to apply for a Buggy Enhancement Grant for Fall 2024! There is $12,000 available in this semester’s funding pool. This money belongs to you as a member of the buggy community to help make the most of your buggy experience! Applications are open until Sunday night. Don’t wait, get your application in today!

If you are looking for inspiration, for your grant proposal, you can view previously approved grant applications here. For your one stop shop to learn everything there is to know about Buggy Enhancement Grants including tips from the committee on how to strengthen your grant proposal, please read All About Buggy Enhancement Grants! If you have any questions or would like early feedback on your proposal, please feel free to reach out to any BAA or Sweepstakes officer on Discord.

Thank you to everyone who already submitted their application!

Apply here!

100+ Years of Buggy History – 2021

Table of ContentsIntro & 1920; 1921-1923; 1924-1927; 1928-1932; 1933-1935; 1936-1939; 1940-1945; 1946-1949; 1950-1953; 1954-1956; 1957-1959; 1960-1963; 1964-1966; 1967-1969; 1970-1973; 1974-1976; 1977-1979; 1980-1983; 1984-1986; 1987-1989; 1990-1993; 1994-1996; 1997-1999; 2000-2003; 2004-2006; 2007-2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; Recap & 2020; 2021

You didn’t think we were done, did you? Yes, the 100 Years of Buggy History series began as a celebration of Buggy100, and we covered 100 Years during the 2019-2020 school year. But then I realized – Just because the school year (abruptly) ended, Buggy didn’t. Buggy history continues to be made. And why force someone celebrating the 200th anniversary in 2120 to try and find some random notes on this old thing from 100 years ago called the “internet” to piece together what went on in those years. I continue to try and come up with new ideas for how to uncover information about 1937 (to no avail as of yet), but wouldn’t it ave been easier if my counterpart in 1937 just put together a full recap of the year way back then?

So the 100 Years of Buggy History series lives on…with a couple of tweaks. First of all, you’ll notice that the name of the series has changed slightly. We can’t really call it “100 Years of Buggy History” anymore, because we’re headed to years 101 and beyond. So we did what all good CMU students who stay longer than 4 years do…we’ve added a “+”. Second, we’re taking things a little slower. My goal is, and has always been, to tell whatever stories I can find about the year in Buggy, whether good or…not as good. But as I learned while doing Rolls Reports, it does feel a little awkward to talk about current goings-on as if the people doing those things aren’t actively doing them. So going forward, the 100+ Years of Buggy History series will be on a 4 year delay. That means that for the year being covered, most (though maybe not all) of the students that participated in that Raceday will have graduated. I’m hoping that this also makes those alumni more willing to share their own stories in the comments, because as a reminder, once you’ve got that degree from CMU, they can’t take it away from you! The goal for the series will be to release a new article each year around the start of the Fall Semester, just in time to remind everyone that Buggy is back!

So for the first article of the 100+ era of the 100+ Years of Buggy History series, we turn the clock back to 2021. The world has been shut down for the better part of 6 months, the COVID vaccine is still being formulated, and CMU and its students are still figuring out how they’ll handle a return to normalcy. Within that environment, a ragtag group of Buggy folks are doing everything they can to keep a sport, that requires so much hand-on participation and knowledge transfer, alive.

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Fall 2024 Buggy Enhancement Grants Now Open!

The start of the fall semester is right around the corner, and with that a whole new year of buggy! I hope you’re ready to hit the ground running, and brimming with ideas to make the sport faster, safer, and more fun!

Applications for Fall 2024 Buggy Enhancement Grants are now open! We have a whopping $12,000 available for this round of funding! This money belongs to you as a member of the buggy community to enhance your enjoyment of the sport. If you have ideas that you think will make buggy more enjoyable for you, your team, and the greater buggy community, we want to hear from you!

The deadline to submit applications is Sunday, September 15th.

Apply Here: 

Keep an eye on your news feed for announcements about brainstorming and grant writing sessions. If you would like to get early feedback from a member of the committee to give your proposal the greatest possible chance of receiving funding, please feel free to reach out on the BAA Discord.

Submissions open today and are due by Sunday, September 15th. The Buggy Endowed Fund Committee will meet on 19th to give you feedback and ask questions about your proposals. Applicants will have 1 week to respond to committee feedback before the final vote on September 26th.

Last year we received 23 grant proposals from 10 different organizations, and funded 11 projects for a total of $5,853.66! Details about these projects can be found here.

Please feel free to take inspiration from these suggestions from the Buggy Endowed Fund Committee:

  • Improve the experience of driving a buggy by improving visibility, safety, or the quality of the roads.
  • Improve the quality of life for the people that help support buggy around the course with a warming hut, covered storage, or better tools (ie. higher flow leaf blowers).
  • Make a new addition to the BAA’s historical data by professionally digitizing old photos or course footage, buying software to upscale low resolution photos and videos, or hiring a professional to capture an event.

Proposals can even be specific to your team. Please include some details on how the community as a whole will benefit from funding your project. For example, you might share documentation of your process, publish a video, or give a talk summarizing your results. You might build something to collect better data during rolls, test out a new material, or design a wheel mold that can be shared among teams.

Apply Here: 

For more information about Buggy Enhancement Grants, including tips from the committee on how to strengthen your grant proposal, and the actual text of previously approved grant applications, please read All About Buggy Enhancement Grants. If you have any comments or suggestions to improve the Buggy Enhancement Grant program, please fill out our feedback survey.

BAA Summer Tote Bags!

It’s summer, and that means it’s time for beach trips, farmers markets, and spending time in the sun… and what better to bring along with you than the new BAA tote bag?

With a size of 14.5″ x 15″ to hold everything you might need and a cute design featuring iconic buggy items (and your favorite sheep, Schenley), this canvas tote is the perfect addition to any grocery run or park walk, and helps to support the BAA in the process!

Get yours now at! Sale ends August 5th, with bags shipping out for delivery around August 21st, so buy it while you still can and get it in time for the new buggy season.

2024 BAA Election Results

The polls are closed, and the results are in! Congratulations to our newly elected BAA Board Members for the 2024-2026 term:

  • Vice President: Rachael Schmitt
  • Secretary: Sydney Baker
  • Treasurer: Wade Gordon
  • Broadcast: Matt Gallabrese
  • Communications: Dave Singh
  • Quartermaster: Diya Nuxoll
  • Rolls Reporter: Dan Becerra

Additionally, per the process for a mid-term vacancy, Jeremy Tuttle was elected as BAA President for the remainder of the 2023-2025 term.

Congratulations again to those elected, and thank you to everyone who ran in the elections this year!

As a final update, the BAA board has voted to rename the Webmaster position to be the Information Services Manager (ISM), in order to better reflect how that role has evolved over time.

Voting Open for BAA Elections 2024-2026

Vote Now:

Elections for the BAA board terms of 2024-2026 are now open! Voting is open to any current member of the BAA. All races require at least 25 votes. Voting is open until May 29.

Uncontested Races: (Candidate must have more votes in favor than opposed)

  • Vice President: Rachel Schmitt
  • Secretary: Sydney Baker
  • Treasurer: Wade Gordon
  • Broadcast: Matt Gallabrese
  • Quartermaster: Diya Nuxoll

Contested Races: (Uses ranked choice voting, candidate must win a majority of votes)

  • Communications/ Marketing
    • Emily Forney
    • Dave Singh
  • Rolls Reporter
    • Dan Becerra
    • Emily Forney
    • James Wong

Vote Now:

BAA Election Nominations 2024

With the dust of Raceday finally settled, it’s that time of year again – BAA election season! For the next week, we will be looking for nominations of CMU buggy alumni to fill the following roles:

Vice President
Rolls Reporter

In addition, the appointed Events chair position is open for self-nominations.

The submission form can be found HERE. You can read more about the roles and the incumbents for positions up for re-election there, and nominate your friends. Nominees can be any graduated CMU alum who has not already served two terms in that position.

Nominations will be accepted through May 14th, after which nominees will have a week to accept and write their platforms.

Current BAA officers and chairs can be found here if you have any questions!